Warhammer Quest


By Joe Ludwig

Half-Giants are humanoid creatures that stand slightly taller than an ogre. They are exceedingly strong and look, move, and think more like large humans than either ogres or giants.

I acquired two Dark-Sun Half-Giants by Ral Partha at a miniature fire sale for $1 US, and this is my attempt to make WQ stats for them. Just using the ogre stats made them seem weak.

Half-Giant Half-Giant
Wounds 50 60 70
Move 7 7 7
Weapon Skill 5 6 7
Ballistic Skill 4+ 3+ 3+
Strength 9 9 9
Toughness 6(8) 6(9) 6(10)
Initiative 4 4 4
Attacks 3 3 4
Gold (each) 1200 1800 2400
Armour 2 3 4
Damage 2d6/3d6(5+) 3d6 3d6/4d6(5+)

Special Rules

Half-Giant: Ignore Blow 6+, Knock Down 6+
Half-Giant Champion: Ignore Blow 5+, Knock Down 4+
Half-Giant Champion: Ignore Blow 4+, Knock Down 4+, Ignore Pain 2

Knock Down n+

If the creature rolls better than n to hit the warrior is knocked down. A knocked down warrior must spend its entire next warriors phase standing up, cannot cast spells, and cannot use any item other than potions, provisions, and bandages.