Warhammer Quest

Pherakhon, Lord of Illusion

by Teppe Dorkstran <jo.vernelen@student.kuleuven.ac.be>


The Cult of Pherakhon

Of all religions and cults in the Old World, the Cult of Pherakhon is probably amongst the strangest ones. Pherakhon was said to be one of the most powerful elves, and is said to have discovered a kind of magic that was nothing like the Elf magic. Where the Elf magic uses the Winds of Magic, Pherakhon said he could create the same effects, using nothing but the psychological powers of the opponent.

All this had been ridiculed by the Elf sorcerers, and Pherakhon was banned from the Elf community. Nobody knows what happened to Pherakhon, all that is known is that he left in search for the Dwarf settlements, hoping they would be more willing to accept his beliefs. Nobody had seen Pherakhon since, but the word goes he lives on, as some kind of parasite, using his victim's bodies as shells in which he shelters until the body has become of no more use.

The Cult of Pherakhon is a small group of Priests, named Wyrd Priests, that try to use the Powers of the Mind. They live in the World's Edge Mountains, yet nobody has seen either of them and lived to tell. The Cult is lead by the High Priest of Pherakhon, keeper of the ancient stone of Pherakhon, a sapphire that is said to contain the Spirit home of Pherakhon, the only connection between the Inner World and the Old World. The owner of this stone can summon Pherakhon, although this is not without danger. Because if Pherakhon is summoned, and there is no valid reason for this (Pherakhon himself decides about that, and he is known to be a bit moody at times), insanity will strike anyone that is even near the stone at that time. Most of the former High Priests know all about that just too well.

The High Priest does not only possess the Sapphire, he is also the leader of all the Wyrd Priests there can be found in the Old World. He is responsible for their training, and has to discipline them when it is necessary. All the Priests have to choose one of the four major powers they want to use before they start their training. These powers are the Power of Matter, the Power of Fire, the Power of the Beast, and the Power of the Man. Only the High Priest can control all the four powers, however there are some that can control Two Powers. There are also Wyrd Priests that are known as Power Masters. They can control only one Power, but they are so skilled in this power, they are allowed to train the new Wyrd Priests, and assist the High Priest. There are at any time only four Power Masters.


The four Powers

From the moment they first enter the temple, the future Wyrd Priests are taught the basics of their Cult, and learn to control the enormous powers that can be found within the Inner World. The Wyrd Novices as they are called, learn how to affect the minds of their opponents, and create a vision as realistic as possible. As said before, the powers of Pherakhon are not of a magical nature, they are nothing but visions and illusions that are put into the opponents brain. And these visions seem to be so real, that the victim's subconscious takes them for real, and responds as such. For example, if a member of the Cult of Pherakhon makes you believe that you are drinking a healing potion, your body will act as such, and the body will start healing. The only problem is that the Priests are aware of this, and as such can't heal themselves!!!

When the High Priest thinks that a particular novice has the potential to become a Wyrd Priest, the novices can choose a Power in which they want to specialize. The High Priest accepts this decision without hesitation, because the more a novice is interested in a particular Power, the faster he will learn how to use it and the more powerful he will be. The Novices that have been selected become Wyrd Monks, and are being trained by one of the four Power Masters, according to the power they choose. Each seven years the High Priest selects 4 Novices, and strangely enough they all choose a different Power. The remaining novices can stay in the temple and try to improve their skills during the following seven years, or are allowed to leave the temple, yet they can't use their powers for anything else but self protection, otherwise Pherakhon himself will make sure they won't use their powers again.

The Power of Matter

This power grants the Priest the ability to alter somebody's perception as of how matter responds to them. As with three of the Wyrd Powers, there are six different ways in which it can be used:

The victim believes he is being attacked by an invisible attacker. Instead of hitting the victim as usual, the invisible attacker will try to push the victim in a certain direction, towards chasms or into pits, or even into combat with a monster. If the victim is an Elf, or has a Dodge Blow skill, he can try to avoid the attack on a D6 roll of 5+. If the warrior is pushed into combat with a monster, he can NOT escape pinning, even when he has a skill that would permit him to do so. The warrior is so focused on the invisible attacker, he has no eye for the monster.

Hail Storm: 
When the Wyrd Priest uses this power, he can try to make the victim believe that the entire room is attacking the warrior. The victim will see pieces of wall coming towards him, loose rocks falling down from the ceiling, and pieces of litter on the floor hurling towards him. To determine damage, use a strength D6 attack with a number of attack dice equal to the Wyrd Power Level. The attack hits automatically, but is modified for armour and toughness.

The Wyrd Priest can make his opponent believe that he is being crushed by a falling ceiling. No matter where the warrior tries to go, the ceiling keeps coming down. Throw a number of dice, equal to the Wyrd Power Level. That is the number of Wounds the warrior will suffer, unmodified for armour. While he is trying to evade the crushing ceiling, the warrior will of course lay down on the floor. This means he is at +1 to hit for that turn, and needs an entire turn to get up. This rule is valid for all the warriors except for Dwarfs, Slayers and Halflings, because they are only as wide as they are tall, and don't feel a need to get on the floor.

Brick Wall: 
The Wyrd Priest can try to make the opponent believe there is a wall standing between them. This attacks isn't made against a single warrior, but counts for all the warriors. Use a ruler or a piece of paper to indicate where the Wyrd erected the imaginary wall. This wall can not be crossed by anyone (not even the Wyrd himself, because it could reveal that the wall isn't there), and it is impossible to fire weapons through it. The wall can't be used to crush warriors. Any warrior standing in the path of the wall has to be placed on one side of the wall, chosen randomly. The wall will disappear at the start of the following Monster Phase. Note that if a warrior is able to evade the power (e.g. by a successful Willpower test), he can disregard the wall, and the other warriors that haven't made their Willpower test yet, gain a +1 modifier for each warrior that passed the test and performs an action that would be impossible if the wall would be there (e.g. shooting through the wall).

This power is one of the most mysterious powers that can be used by a Wyrd Priest. The priest can use this power to move a monster to any other position in the dungeon that has already been discovered. While using this power the Wyrd Priest doesn't affect the mind of the warriors, but the mind of the monsters. The monsters can be moved over chasms, through locked doors and even into combat with one of the warriors. If a monster has been transported, it must make a successful initiative test of 7+ to see whether it isn't too surprised or confused to attack. Note that the Priest can't displace himself, because he can't program his own mind.

Fists of Fury:
Sometimes the Wyrd Priests have to fight themselves. And because they aren't trained to do so and lack the necessary strength and weapon skill, they affect the opponent's mind to think that they are extremely powerful. If he succeeds, he can transform his hands into extremely potent weapons with strength 8, and increase their weapon skill by 1. This attack can only be used against a single warrior, because the Wyrd Priest can't influence the mind of two warriors at the same time.

The Power of Fire

One of the most deadly Powers the Wyrd Priest can have is the Power of Fire. Yet extremely hard to master, this power can really reflect the devastating effect of real fire.

Halo of Fire: 
The Wyrd Priest can make the warriors believe he is residing inside a ring of fire. All the warriors attacking him with hand to hand weapons, have to make a fear roll. Roll 1D6. If the result is 4 or more, the warrior can fight as normal, otherwise the rules for fear apply. Any warrior attacking the Wyrd Priest suffers a strength 4 hit, unmodified for armour. In addition, the Halo of Fire give the priest the possibility to ignore any blow on a 6+. If the blow is ignored, any weapons used against the Wyrd Priest are immediately destroyed, even if they are magical !!!

Spontaneous Combustion: 
With this power the Wyrd Priest can try to set a warrior on fire, at least make the warrior believe he is. If the warrior does not succeed his Willpower test, he will suffer 3D6 wounds, with no modifiers for toughness or armour. If the Wyrd has a higher power level, he can add 1D6 dice for each power level. If there is a fountain in the neighbourhood, the warrior can try to get inside it, and thus evading the effect.

This power is a very important one, as it is the first power Pherakhon ever experimented with. Whilst in his laboratory, Pherakhon tried to make powers that would be similar to the spells cast by the might Elven Wizards, but that would be impossible to dispel. With the Fireball-power he succeeded beyond expectation. It has the same effect as the Fireball spell that can be cast by the ordinary wizards, only does it cause 1D6 + 2x(the Wyrd Priest power level) wounds.
See role-play book p.55 for further details on the Fireball-spell.

Lightning Bolt: 
This is the second power Pherakhon discovered. Again the damage is resolved as with the Lightning Bolt spell, only does it inflict 2D6 x (the Wyrd Priest power level) wounds. See the role-play book p.55 for further details.

The Wyrd Priest can use this power to create a chasm in the brain of the warrior. The chasm is 1 tile wide, and goes from one side of the room to the next. Any models that were standing in the line of the chasm are moved to either side randomly, as the room simply split in two. Unlike the ordinary powers, if the warrior wants to succeed a Willpower test, he doesn't have to make one test, but a number of tests equal to the Wyrd Priest's power level, because the more power the Wyrd Priest has, the more realistic the chasm will look like. And most warriors don't like chasms very much. If the chasm power is played out by a power level 2 Wyrd Priest, the warrior has to make two successful willpower tests.

Melting Weapons. 
The Wyrd can make a warrior believe his weapon is on fire. The warrior will immediately throw the weapon into a dark corner of the dungeon, as far away as he can. The warrior can't get his weapon back until all the monsters are dead, and will spend an entire turn looking for it. When the battle is over, and the warrior is looking for the weapon, roll 1D6 on the following table:
1 Gone with the wind
The warrior has thrown his weapon into a hole, or someone or something took it away. Remove the weapon from the warrior's record sheet.
2 Broken
The warrior finds his weapon again, but there appears to be a crack in it. Throw 1D6. If the score is a 6, then the weapon can be used again without a problem. The crack wasn't but some dust. If the weapon is in some way magical, then it can be used on a score of 4, 5 or 6. Otherwise the weapon has to be removed from the warrior's record sheet.
3 Where is it
Your warrior can't find the weapon. He has to spend another turn looking for it. Roll again on this table.
4 Placebo
Your warrior hasn't found his weapon, but has found something else instead. Take a random treasure card (no, not an objective room card)
5 Other side of the room
Your warrior sees the weapon on the other side of the room. All he has to do is go there and pick it up. During the movement phase, move the warrior to the oppose wall.
6 Found it
You were just standing on the darn thing. You can pick it up and continue your quest without further hesitation. You'll have to learn how to throw, though.

The Power of the Beast

Sometimes it can pay off to affect the mind of an animal instead of the mind of a man. Anyway, a man can fight the Wyrd Priests power, whilst the animals can't, or rather won't even try to. The Wyrd Priests that have this power always have a monster or a group of monsters fighting with them. Once these monsters are defeated, the Wyrd Priest isn't but a simple novice, that can only use the secondary powers. In order to see which monsters are fighting with the Wyrd, randomly select a monster or a group of monsters from the monster table the warriors are currently at in case of a power level 1 Wyrd Priest, the next monster table in case of a Power level 2 Wyrd Priest, and so on. Note that this doesn't include non-monsters such as Skaven or Orks, or even Beastmen, as they won't follow the Priest without resistance. For example, if the warriors are fighting at BL8, and they encounter a power level 3 Wyrd Priest, they have to throw on the Battle Level 10 monster table. If you throw a 6 and a 4, you will have to throw again, as the Great Unclean One isn't monster enough for the job. A roll of 66 or 11 won't have any effect at all.

The Power of the Man

Taking total control of the opponent's mind is one of the most sacred goals of the Wyrd Priests. It takes a lot of concentration, and can be countered very easily by the opponents. If a Wyrd uses this power, he will try to take over the mind of his opponent directly, rather them giving him simple illusions. Because of the direct influence, and the possibility to sense the priest's thought-control, the warriors get a +1 modifier on their Willpower test. If the priest is a level 2 priest however, this modifier is canceled, and if the Wyrd has a power level of 3, you will have a -1 modifier.

Mind Control: 
This skill allows the priest to take total control over the warrior for the following turn. The warrior will do anything the Wyrd Priest orders him to do, except performing suicidal actions. He will attack his fellow warriors, will throw away valuable items that are needed for the quest or even give healing potions to monsters he was fighting a few seconds ago. The warrior has effectively changed sides, and thus has to attack in the monster phase (except when your party is using different house rules, right Joe :) ).

Horrible Visions: 
Sometimes it might come in handy to let a warrior flee rather than to take over his mind, as a fleeing warrior can get out of control for an unknown number of turns, while a controlled one can only be used one turn (or the power has to work again in the following turn). If the power works, the warrior sees horrible visions, and will start running towards the exit of the dungeon as fast as he can. All the monsters that cause fear will cause terror while the warrior is in this state, and all other monsters will simply cause fear. If there would be a monster that causes terror, and it is blocking the warriors path, or is standing in front of him, the warrior will turn the other side, or, in the unlucky case where this is impossible, he will feint, until he succeeds a Willpower test, and the power will have ended. A feinted warrior will have all his characteristics reduced to 0, except for toughness, armour and wounds. He is completely at the mercy of the monsters, and will probably get killed if the other warriors don't do anything about that first, like attacking the monsters or killing them. The warrior will not run into the dark because it will be too scary. If he can't go further he'll sit down in a corner waiting until he gets his nerve back.

The Wyrd Priest can strike the warrior with blindness, so he can't see a thing. The warrior can't use any weapons this turn, and is at +1 to hit. He can cast spells if he's allowed to and these spells have nothing to do with vision, and he can use healing potions.

Mental assault: 
The first lesson the Novices get in the temple is the following: You can't defend yourself from what's inside. And that's what the mental assault is all about. While using the mental assault power, the Wyrd Priest will try to control all your bodily functions such as respiration and heartbeat. If the power works, the warrior's wounds will have been halved, rounding fractions downward. The warrior will not be able to attack during the following turn either, because he is still recovering form the mental blow. Any monsters that are trying to attack the warriors will have to make a test for fear before they can do so, because the warrior is shaking as if he was possessed by a daemonic power.

 Rather than taking over the warrior's mind, the Wyrd Priest can try to take over the mind of a monster that is standing on the same board section. The monster will automatically fail his willpower test, and hate all the warriors in sight. But in contrast to the normal hate-rule, the monster will not suffer a -1 to hit penalty, as the priest will assist the attacking monster in combat. The number of monsters affected is equal to the priest's power level.

Mental Strength: 
As with the hatred power, the Wyrd Priest will take over a monster's mind, and improving it's characteristics for one turn. The Wyrd Priest can improve the monster's characteristic by 2 points per power level. These improvements can't be given to more than one monster. For example, a level 2 priest can give 4 improvement points to a single model, so he can reduce one from the Ballistic skill, add one to monster's strength, and 2 to the monster's weapon skill.


3. Using the powers of Pherakhon.

Any Wyrd Novice, Priest, Power Master or High Priest can use his powers once during the monster's phase. He can do this instead of any other attack. A warrior can try to evade the power by taking a willpower test. If he succeeds a willpower test, he is not affected by the power, and may continue to fight as normal. If the warrior succeeded a willpower test when trying to evade the power, he has a +1 modifier for the next power attack, and a +2 modifier for the third attack if he succeeded the second one and so on. If he fails a test, the next time he can't use the modifiers he gained the turns before that, regardless of the number of powers he evaded. Note also that a 1 always fails a test. If the Priest has access to several powers (such as the High Priest), he can attack using each of these powers one by one. If the priest is a Power Master, he can use the power twice instead of once.

Each time a priest uses a power, he must declare which power he is using (Matter, Fire, Beast or Man) if he has access to them, and then throw on the according table to see what he can do. If he wants to, he can also use his secondary power, this is the power he learned while he was a novice. Note that a Wyrd priest can't change his Power or even his Secondary Power, because it was the result of slow learning process.

4. Characteristics.

Power Master
Old Priest
High Priest
Weapon Skill
Ballistic Skill
Gold (each)

Special Rules:

Wyrd Novice: Wyrd Secondary Power 1, Wyrd power level 1

Wyrd Priest: Wyrd Secondary Power 1, Wyrd Power 1, Wyrd power level 1

Wyrd Power Master: Wyrd Secondary Power 1, Wyrd Power 1, Wyrd Power Level 2, Power Master

Wyrd Old Priest: Wyrd Secondary Power 1, Wyrd Power 2, Wyrd Power Level 2.

Wyrd High Priest: Wyrd Secondary Power 1, Wyrd Power 4, Wyrd Power Level 3, Magic Armour, has the Sapphire of Pherakhon.

Sapphire of Pherakhon

If the High Priest has the Sapphire, the warriors have a -1 modifier on their Willpower test, as Pherakhon is helping the Wyrd Priest. However, any turn in which there is a fight in the same room as the Sapphire, Pherakhon might get disturbed and might intervene. Roll a 1D6 in the power phase on the following table:


Pherakhon appears, expressing his anger by unleashing psychic energy. Every warrior has to take a leadership test, with a -2 modifier, as Pherakhon is attacking himself. If the warrior fails, he suffers 4D6 wounds with no modifiers.


Nothing happens.


Pherakhon attacks the High Priest: The priest suffers 5D6 wounds with no modifiers. Roll another D6. If the result is a 6, then the High Priest has totally gone bananas, and will use the following powers (if he isn't already dead). Take the players one by one. Someone can't have two different Whacked Powers. The Wyrd Priest will not affect the mind of a warrior for the second time, if there is another warrior in sight, that hasn't been affected before


Power of the Pig
Randomly choose a warrior. That warrior will think he's a pig, and will remain so as long as the Priest isn't dead. The next time a this warrior gets chosen to become a pig, he'll think he can fly. A pig has a Weapon skill of 2, and a strength 2 attack, with 2 damage dice.


Power of the Turkey
Randomly select one player to become the turkey. He'll walk around the room, picking at who knows what. The second time he would get chosen, he'll think somebody is out to stuff him. The turkey can try to fly towards the opponent, and peck him. If he tries to do so, the attack is seen as a ballistic attack. The turkey has a ballistic skill of 3+.


Power of the Balloon
One of the lucky warriors will think he's a balloon. He'll float around, trying to avoid the turkey, as it may peck. The balloon can't really attack opponents, or the warrior has to have quite some imagination.


Power of the rock
The warrior will think he's a statue. He can't do a thing, but he can't be hurt either. He is immune to all attacks, except magical ones, or attacks made with hammers. The statue will have strength 10.


Wyrd Priest and Novice Secondary Power Table:

Note: This power has to be rolled as soon as the Novice or Priest is placed on the board, and doesn't change as long as he hasn't been killed.


Strangely enough, the Wyrd Priest has forgotten how to use his Secondary Power. In case of a Novice, reroll the dice.


Pigs can Fly
With this power, the Wyrd Priest or Novice is able to let a warrior fly. The warrior will be floating several feet above the ground. Roll 2D6, this is the number of feet the warrior is at. If the result is 5 or less, the warrior has gained with his flight, as he is at -1 to hit, and has a +1 to hit himself. If the warrior is flying even higher, he is impossible to hit, unless he is being attacked by a large monster or monsters with the Fly-ability. If the warrior would decide to make a Willpower test, and he succeeds, he will suffer an automatic hit with a strength equal to half the height he is at, as he is falling from the sky.


The Wyrd can use this power to make one of the monsters, or one of the warriors float. The monster or warrior will react the same way as if he had a potion of flight.


Flower power
The Wyrd can use this power to change the warrior's weapon into a bundle of flowers. If the power works, the warrior has to attack without any weapons (without a strength modifier).


Fearful Aura 
The Wyrd can give any monster (or any warrior if he would want to) a fearful aura, making the monster cause fear. If the aura is given to a monster that is causing fear, the power has no effect, is the monster is causing terror, it is reduced to fear. A succeeded Willpower test allows a warrior to ignore this result.


Whacked Wizard 
If there is a wizard in the party, or any other member can use a spell, the Wyrd can try to disturb that person's mind, so he will no longer be able to cast spells during the following turn.


Fast Forward 
The Wyrd can try to make a Warrior think that the air around him is starting to become solid, and thus hard to advance through. The warrior's movement is halved for the following turn. If the warrior is currently in fighting (not including missile attacks), the warrior has a -1 penalty to hit, as his hit is being slowed down by the thick air.


Ghost n Phantoms 
The Wyrd can try to distract a model that is making a missile attack, by giving that warrior the impression something is standing right behind him, and is preparing to attack. The warrior looses his missile attack.


Barbarian goes Berserk 
The Wyrd Priest can use his powers to assure the barbarian's berserk roll fails automatically. If the barbarian would decide to go Berserk, and the Wyrd Priest hasn't used his powers yet, the barbarian has to make a Willpower test at -1. If he fails, treat his Berserk roll as a 1.


Spider on the Wall 
The Wyrd Priest can give the warrior visions of a giant spider standing right in front of him. Place one giant spider next to the warrior. The warrior has to attack this spider first, before making any other attacks. Resolve damage as usual. When the spider is killed, the warrior can go on with his other business. If you think your warriors are a bit too mature for a giant spider, you can add several of them, or use some gigantic spiders.


Sense presence 
The Wyrd can give the monsters an ambush attack. The usual things that can be used against ambush attacks are still valid, and may be used. There is however no possibility to use a Willpower test against this ambush attack, as it are the monsters who are being controlled.


Double warrior 
The Wyrd Priest can use this power to make a warrior believe the enemy he was fighting has suddenly doubled. Place a second monster next to the one the warrior was fighting just a moment ago. Roll 1D6. On a roll of 1, 2 or 3 the original monsters continues to be the real one, on a roll of 4, 5 or 6 the old monster isn't but creation of the warrior's mind. Of course, this dice has to be rolled after the warrior attacked, and damage has been resolved. The warrior can use his Willpower to avoid the doubling.


Zen Shootist 
The Wyrd Priest can give a single monster a +2 modifier while using missile attacks against a warrior. The Wyrd Priest will guide the monster's aim. There is not willpower test possible.


Walk through walls. 
The Wyrd priest can try to make the warrior believe he can walk through walls. If the priest can get to a wall during the following turn without being pinned to a warrior, he can try to make a single one of them believe he has gone through the wall and disappeared into an adjacent room. The warrior will not be able to attack the Wyrd Priest. Note that if the Wyrd Priest is standing adjacent to a single warrior, and this is counted as pinned, he can still use this power if he uses it against the warrior he was standing next to. During the following turn, everything goes back to normal.


The Wyrd can make a warrior believe he has vanished into a cloud of dust. If the warrior fails his Willpower test, he will not be able to attack the Wyrd Priest, and will have to choose the next target. During the following turn, everything goes back to normal.


Mirror of Doom 
The Wyrd Priest can try to let a single warrior think he looks just like that warrior. IF the warrior wants to make a Willpower test, he has to do so with a -2 modifier, as the image is so realistic. If the Warrior fails, he will not attack the priest at all, and will search for another target.


Cloud of Flies 
The Wyrd Priest can attempt to cover a warrior with a cloud of flies. The warrior will get distracted by the flies, and will not be able to hit as good as he would otherwise. The warrior is at -1 to hit all monsters, even when using ballistic weapons. The other monsters are not affected by this power, as it is only in the imagination of the warrior that these flies exist. Of course the warrior can try to fight the hallucinations with a willpower test.


Lucky Aura
The Wyrd Priest can try to boost up the self-image of all the monsters on the board section. Roll a dice for each monster affected by the Aura. If any of the dice score a 5 or a 6, then that monster gets 1 or 2 luck counters. For example, if there are three monsters that have been affected, and the dice come up as 2, 5 and 6, then one of the monsters will have 1 luck counter, and another one will have 2 luck counters. You can't use a willpower test to cancel this power.


The Wyrd Priest can try to surprise a warrior with the Bang-flash power, just as if he was using a bag of Flash powder (see the role-play book page 21 for details). The warrior can try to avoid the flash by succeeding a Willpower test, with a -1 modifier because it all happens very fast.


Healing hands
The Wyrd Priest can use this power to heal a monster that has been hit. The monster has to have lost at least one wound, but the healing can exceed the starting wounds !!! Roll a number of dice equal to the Priest's power level. That's the number of wounds the monster regains. This power can not be canceled by a succeeded willpower test.


Remove Pain
The Wyrd Priest can use this power to give one of the monsters the Ignore Pain characteristic. Roll a number of dice equal to the Priest's power level. This is the number of Wounds that the monster can ignore. However, if the warrior would be able to inflict a single wound to that monster, than it will no longer ignore pain, and the total amount of wounds should be counted, just as if the power hadn't been used, as the monster starts to doubt the powers of the priest.


Deeper Wound
The Wyrd Priest can try to kill a warrior, simply by focusing the warrior's nerve system to an old wound. The warrior can make a Willpower test to see whether he can fight off the attack. If he can't, then he will suffer half the number of wounds he suffered during an earlier fight in that dungeon. This amount can be found by carefully examining the Dungeon record sheet.


Regain Strength
The Wyrd Priest can try to heal one of the monsters that has been hurt during the fight. The monster will regain half the number of wounds he has lost during the battle, rounding fractions up. Succeeded Willpower tests have no effect.


Zen Protection 
The Wyrd Priest can attempt to give a monster such a high level of meditation, that he is above pain, and cannot be wounded. The monster gains the Ignore Blow 6+ if the Wyrd Power Level is 1, 5+ if it is a second level, and 4+ if it is a third level Wyrd Priest that is using the power.


Thought magic 
Some Wyrd Priests have learned how to fight magic if it is used against them. Although Pherakhon thinks that magic is nothing compared to the powers of the mind, he admitted that this power might come in handy. And it did come in handy several times. The Wyrd has the resist magic ability with a 5+ for a first level Priest, 4+ for a second level Priest, and 3+ for a Third Level Priest. If the Resist Magic roll comes up as a 6, than the Wyrd Priest was able to reflect the magic upon the wizard himself. What the Wyrd Priest actually did, was to alter the Wizards mind, and change the spell's target. In this case, the person who cast the spell will be suffering the spell's damage itself.


Multiple Minor Powers 
It took the Wyrd Priest 2 decades to become selected. This means that, as a novice, he spend 3 periods of seven years, each period learning a new secondary power. Roll three times on this table, retooling any duplicates or rolls of 11-16 or 61-65.


Extra Power 
The Wyrd Priest doesn't have a Minor power, instead he has 2 Major powers. These can be chosen randomly. If the Wyrd is a Novice, and he rolls this result, he is actually a Power Master that is working undercover. He will attack for one turn, and then suddenly disappear. Good luck with this one, you'll need it !!!!