The Sorcerer

Sorcerer created by Luminos
Modified by Todd and Art Franklin

Sorcerers are very similar to Wizards, in that they cast spells and have little prowess in battle. However, they have a different method of manipulating the Winds of Magic. When the Winds are Strong, they concentrate on storing the power within themselves, and releasing it at their whim.

Starting as a Sorcerer

The Sorcerer starts play with either a Sword or a Staff, player’s choice.

The Sorcerer begins with the same stats as the Wizard, but he begins with 2D6 Power Store rather than 1D6. To choose starting spells, he may choose one spell from each deck as the Wizard, or any 3 spells from any deck (3 Attack spells, 2 Defense and 1 Healing spell, etc.). Each turn the Sorcerer does not use the Power Roll to determine his available magic. Rather, he draws from his Power Store to cast spells. On any turn that the Sorcerer has less than his full amount of power, he can add a number of points of power equal to the power roll at the end of the turn, as long as he rolls according to the following chart. He can even store up to 5 additional Power Points + 1 for each Battle level.  He begins each adventure at full power.

Power Phase

Chance of Charging












No Chance

A Sorcerer can cast with a little more flexibility than a standard Wizard.  In desperate times of need, he may choose to cast a spell even if it takes him below his current Power score.  However, this is very risky as it drains him of physical energy and he may even lose consciousness.  To cast with no effects, the Sorcerer must make a WP check at difficulty (6 + Power used that he did not have).  If the check is failed, the Sorcerer slumps to the ground in a dead faint, and remains unconscious for an amount of turns equal to the amount of power he spent above and beyond what was in his Power Store.  When he wakes up,  the Sorcerer is very fatigued and will have trouble functioning.  To represent this, roll on the following chart upon waking:

1 Disaster!  The Sorcerer may have burned himself out!  
Roll again:
1 Blood is dripping from your ears and your head is pounding, but that is not the worst of it…  Your connection with the Winds of Magic has been severed.  You have been stilled!  You can sense the existence of the source of magic, but you..  can’t … seem… to grab it.  
Being stilled for a Sorcerer is a fate worse than death, as they are slammed back to reality after having tasted immortality.  Many lose the will to carry on.  For those few that keep on persevering, even with the loss of their precious magicks, there is a semblance of hope.  A Sorcerer that has enough Gold to train to the next level manages to make a breakthrough (usually during travel time and always before leveling).  He can cast once again, but with a max Power Score of exactly half his previous total. 
2-3 It will be a long time before the Sorcerer can cast to full effect again.  
Lose 1d6 from your Power Score permanently.
4-6 Reduce your Power Score by 1 permanently.
2-6 The Sorcerer’s head is swimming, his eyes won’t focus, and blood is gushing out of one nostril.  
Reduce one of your stats by 1 for the duration of the Adventure.  Effects are cumulative.

Sorcerers can also cast some spells for increased effect.  Spells that affect Wounds either positively or negatively and spells that have variables associated with them can be cast at 2 extra Power for each number that the caster wishes to better.  (This equation may be altered for some spells for game balance purposes.)  For Example, Healing Hands can be cast at 6 Power to heal 3 Wounds for every Warrior.  Or, monsters can be swallowed by a Pit of Despair on a 2+ if just 2 extra power is spent for the pit to open quicker.  ( A roll of 1 would still fail, of course.)

He does not begin with the Hand of Death scroll; his equipment is the Aegis Medallion. This magical amulet can be charged with power from the Winds of Magic, and grants the Sorcerer protection from harm. At the end of any turn where the Sorcerer has full power, has not cast any spells, and the Power Roll was 3 or more, he may charge the Aegis Medallion with magic. It can be used whenever the Sorcerer chooses, and grants +1D3 Toughness for one turn when used. After use, it is drained until he can charge it up again. At the beginning of each dungeon, the Aegis Medallion is fully charged.


The Sorcerer is so close to the Wizard that there is little need for separate sections on Settlements, Treasure restrictions, etc. The Sorcerer may visit any location open to the Wizard, and buy anything the Wizard can buy. He will have to roll an extra D3 when paying for a consultation in the Wizard’s Guild, however, as he is not whole-heartedly accepted by other Wizards. He may not purchase a Wizard’s Staff or change spells, but he can buy potions. The Sorcerer may use any item of Treasure available to the Wizard, but he may not charge power-storing items himself, once they are used they are drained for good. When training to go up battle-levels, the Sorcerer refers to the Wizard’s profile for all attributes (except for Power, which will always be 1D6 higher). Each time he trains to a new Battle Level, he rolls the same amount of dice as the Wizard, but must choose which ones to use, discarding one each time.  (For example, a Level 4 Sorcerer rolls 4 dice for spells, but only uses 3 of them.)  Exception:  At level 2, the Sorcerer gains new spells exactly like a Wizard.